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2025 Point in Time Count Announced

On January 27, 2025 beginning at 3pm and continuing until 3pm the following day, the City of Rockford Health & Human Services staff in partnership with the Northern Illinois Homeless Coalition, Park District Police, Rockford Police Department, and Rockford Fire Department will participate in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Annual Point in Time (PIT) Count of the Homeless.  The PIT will cover both sheltered and unsheltered homeless within Boone, Winnebago, and Dekalb Counties. Volunteers will visit drop in centers, emergency rooms, parks, abandoned buildings and other locations where homeless citizens frequent, to complete a survey and collect important data to determine the estimated number of people currently experiencing literal homelessness.  Along with collecting data, agency volunteers will also work to engage the homeless and begin the process of working with them toward permanent housing options.


The Point in Time Count is required by HUD and must be completed within the last 10 days of January across the country.  The information from the count is used to inform local and national policy through the Annual Homeless Assessment Report.



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The Northern Illinois Homeless Coalition will hold its annual Memorial Service for the Homeless on Friday, December 20th at 3:00pm at Beattie Park in downtown Rockford. The service will be held in the gazebo near the river. 


The event is held in recognition of Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, which takes place each year on the longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice (usually December 21st).  The service is to remember homeless individuals in the northern Illinois region who have passed away during the previous year.  This year, agencies have identified approximately 20 homeless persons who died in 2024.  The service will include a short reading, music and the reading of the names of those who are being remembered.


A special thank you to the Rockford Park District for the use of their property and for their assistance with the service and to all those that participated in the event. The Christmas tree and ornament display with the names of the decedents will be placed in the lobby of the Park District’s Webbs Norman Center at 401 S. Main Street, Rockford, IL. 


All are welcome.  Please come out to help us pay final respects to our friends.  

6/7/2021--City of Rockford release grant application for federal Emergency Shelter Grant funding

The City’s ESG grant application will be available this week on the City of Rockford website or at


Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) funds can be used to provide a wide range of services and support under the five program components: Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter, Rapid Re-housing, Homelessness Prevention, and HMIS. 

All grant applications must be submitted in person at City Hall (425 E. State St, 4th Floor) by 11:00 on June 24, 2021

3/22/2021-FY22 State Emergency Shelter Grant is open. 
Interested parties need to submit the attached budget request and a short narrative of their program.  Individual agency applications have not been released by the state yet.  Requests can be for Emergency Shelter services/operations, street outreach, rapid-rehousing programs, HMIS, or administration costs.  You do have to be a member of the Coalition to apply. The above information is due by 4/9/21 and will be ranked during the week of 4/12 and submitted to the state on 4/16/21. 
If interested please reach out to:

2/3/2021--Emergency Weather Notice!!!














IF you need info for warming centers in:


Winnebago/Boone County, click here

Dekalb County, click here


FW  NWS Chicago Situation Report Tuesday


$2.5 billion to renew existing grants for more than 6,500 community-based housing and service providers

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded $2.5 billion to renew support to thousands of local homeless assistance programs across the nation. HUD's Continuum of Care (CoC) grants will provide critically needed support to 6,597 local programs on the front lines of serving individuals and families experiencing homelessness. See local impact of funding below.

Due to the pandemic, the funding announced today renews grants for existing programs. This process was dramatically streamlined because communities have been and will continue to be consumed with COVID-19 response and have limited capacity to participate in the traditional CoC competition.

"HUD wants to ensure that thousands of local homeless assistance providers continue to receive federal funds needed to provide stable housing for people experiencing homelessness during these trying times," said Acting HUD Secretary Matt Ammon. "Renewing these grants not only offers relief to our local partners but it allows Continuums of Care to continue their work to end homelessness and help keep our most vulnerable neighbors off the streets.”

“We are excited about the opportunity to provide funding without diverting the attention of communities from the vital work of preventing, preparing for, and responding to the pandemic,” said James Arthur Jemison, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development.

HUD’s Continuum of Care grant funding supports a broad array of interventions designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, particularly those living in places not meant for habitation, located in sheltering programs, or at imminent risk of experiencing homeless. Each year, HUD serves more than a million people through emergency shelter, transitional, and permanent housing programs.


View a complete list of all the state and local homeless projects awarded funding on HUD’s website.

2021 Point-in-time count to be held 01/25/2021

Membership of the NIHC will participate in the annual Point in Time count of the homeless beginning at 3:00 pm on Monday 1/25/21 for a 24 hour period.  In that time, all sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons will be counted using a short survey.  From 7:00-10:00 their will be a street count conducted in partnership with the Coalition, City of Rockford, Rockford Fire, and the Park District Police.  All info will be collected and prepared for public information and to fulfill HUD Reporting requirements.  

Rockford Overnight Café Opens Monday, January 18, 2021 

For those adults who are unable or ineligible to go to the shelters, the church has now opened.  They are located at 318 N. Church St. Rockford, IL. Hours are nightly from 8:00 pm-7:00 am.


Homeless Persons' Memorial Day 2020

Thank you to all that joined us for this year's memorial.  As seen in the picture below, an empty chair was placed in Davis Park with a  picture of each person, to signify those that we lost.   During the service, each name was read along with the date in which they past away, a candle was lit in their honor.  It was a somber event to honor those that we have lost. 

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Homeless Persons' Memorial Day 2020--December 21, 2020.


Each year Homeless Persons' Memorial Day is celebrated on December 21, the winter solstice also the night with the longest period of darkness.  This will be the 30th year that this day has been observed.  At these events each year, we remember those who have died and we strengthen our resolve to work for a world where no life is lived or lost in homelessness. We state clearly, together with others in scores of communities across our nation, that no person should die for lack of housing.


Due to Covid-19, our event will look different this year.  This year's event will be held at Davis Park near Founder's Landing at 320 S. Wyman St. in Rockford.  The event will be held from 10:00 am-5:00 pm.  From 10:00 am-4:00, anyone interested in paying their respects to those who has passed away in 2020, may walk through the display.  At 4:30, a short service will be held where each name will be read and a candle will be lit in their honor.  Anyone attending will be asked to wear a mask and remain socially distanced.  Events will also be posted on Facebook Live on the Northern Illinois Homeless Coalition's page.


11/21/2020-Homeless Coalition seeks volunteers to help at Rescue Mission

The Coalition has been working on a winter plan to ensure the safety of our homeless citizens this winter.  They were able to secure some additional beds that will go into their great room and will increase shelter capacity.  They will need additional people to help oversee this space.  The volunteers will work along with Mission staff.  Shifts will be from 6p-midnight and midnight-6a.  We expect that this space will need to open up within the next couple weeks. If you are interested please click here to be linked to the Mission's volunteer page.

9/1/2020--Rockford Rescue Mission Capacity

The Rescue Mission is open to the public but new people entering must call ahead to schedule an appointment.  Any one entering must see a nurse prior to entry to ensure they are free of illness.  Shelters are at a limited capacity but they do have space at this time.  Those entering shelter must wear masks and follow other protocol that staff will go over with them upon entry.

8/20/20 Rock River Homeless Coalition votes to change name

At the August full continuum meeting, a name change was voted on and approved.  The RRHC will be re-named the Northern Illinois Homeless Coalition effective immediately.  The Coalition wanted to have a new name that would encompass our new members in Dekalb County.  The new name and logo will be rolled out online and on social media.  


7/15/2020 Single Point of Entry re-opens to public.  

The City of Rockford Human Services Dept will begin completing in person intakes with homeless individuals and families again on 7/15/2020.  Safety precautions will be taken.  People coming in, will be required to wear face coverings (if they do not have one, one will be provided), take their temperature, and remain socially distant from other guests.  Staff have been provided with PPE, plexiglass guards to seperate them from the customers, and proper cleaning solutions to clean up after each guest.  Our office will be closed from 12:30-1:30 to clean all common areas.  If clients prefer to conduct business over the phone, that is still allowed in most cases. If that is the case or you have any questions, feel free to call 844-710-6919 ext. 5.  


3/13/2020 The City of Rockford Human Services Dept announce change to the Single Point of Entry system 

In an effort to protect staff and clients, from the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Single Point of Entry (SPOE) located at 612 N. Church St. will be temporarily changing over to conducting all homeless screenings and check-ins over the phone.  People can call 844-710-6919 ext. 5.  This is also the number to call for any emergency (housing) situations on a 24/7 basis.  Thank you for understanding.  

3/13/2020 Rock River Homeless Coalition seeks new members 

Each year, our Coalition seeks new members from agencies and the community.  Also if you are someone who is homeless or formerly homeless, we would be happy for you to join to assist us in our work and to better our systems. If you are interested, click here to join. 

3/13/20-HUD announces Tier 1 & Tier 2 funding for CoC's

For results, click here

3/9/2020 State solicits CoC applications for FY2021 Emergency Solutions Grant

The State of Illinois has released the CoC applications for FY2021.  If you are an interested CoC agency, please fill out the attached pre-application and return to by 5:00 pm 3/13/2020.  The CoC will then announce when the ranking committee will be getting together to score/rank the applications for submission.  Final CoC submission is required to the State by 4/1/2020.


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Youth Point in Time Count to take place 1/27-2/7/2020.  

Count will be for those young people 16-24 who are not living with their parent/adult and are literally homeless (shelters, streets, or places not meant for human habitation) or at-risk and unsure where they will be sleeping.  Survey will be completely electronic.  Young people can go text the above number or go to this link:

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2020 Rock River Homeless Coalition Membership


As of 1/15/2020, The RRHC is seeking new members for the Coalition.  All are welcome to join. New applications will be available soon.






2019 Point-in-Time Count


This year's Point-in-Time count of the homeless has been  scheduled for Monday, January 27, 2020 beginning at 3:00 pm for a 24 hour period.  At that time, there will be a sheltered count of all homeless who are engaged in shelter programs, transitional housing programs, or in Rapid-Rehousing programs.  An unsheltered street count will be conducted for all homeless who are residing on the streets, in cars, or other places not meant for human habitation.  On that evening a group of volunteers will go out into the community looking for unsheltered  person and will conduct surveys.  If you have any questions please contact Angie Walker at or call 779-348-7567. 


Celebrating Homeless Memorial Day 2019


Homeless Persons' Memorial Day (HPMD) events are held around the United States on or around the 21st day of December which is the longest night of the year.  These events honor those who have died because they did not have shelter. They also serve as reminders of the hardships and risks people who are homeless may experience.


The Rock River Homeless Coalition will host a Memorial for the Homeless on 12/20/19 at 10:00 am.  The event is open to the community.


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3/13/19 City of Rockford announces the opening of the 2019 HUD Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) registration and upcoming grant cycle.


The City of Rockford announces that the 2019 HUD Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) registration period has opened and the NOFA will soon be released by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.  This funding provides resources for nonprofit organizations in Boone, DeKalb and Winnebago Counties to provide housing and services to people who are literally homeless. 


Nonprofit community organizations interested in applying for funding may complete a pre-application at pre-application is due April 12, 2019.  There will be a required workshop for new and renewal applicants on Tuesday, April 2nd from 9-11 AM at Cherry Valley Fire Department #2 at 4919 Blackhawk Road in Cherry Valley.


We are anticipating the grant itself will be opening in early May and need to be prepared for the quick turn around.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 














3/11/2019 RRHC announces merger with Dekalb Continuum of Care (CoC)


The U.S Department of Housing & Urban Development has approved a request

by IL-509 DeKalb City & County Continuum of Care (CoC) to merge into the IL-501 Rockford/Winnebago, Boone Counties CoC.  HUD has recognized the merger and is updating the CoC's formal name to IL-501 Rockford/DeKalb, Winnebago, Boone Counties CoC. 


The two CoC's will be now working together to revise policies, committees, and their systems to include all 3 counties. 


Welcome to our new Dekalb members, we are looking forward to working with them to end homelessness in all 3 counties! 

2019 Point-in-Time Count and Housing Inventory Count


The Point-in-Time (PIT) count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons on a single night in January. HUD requires that Continuums of Care (CoCs) conduct an annual count of homeless persons who are sheltered in emergency shelter, transitional housing, and Safe Havens on a single night. CoCs also must conduct a count of unsheltered homeless persons. Each count is planned, coordinated, and carried out locally. The Housing Inventory Count (HIC) is a point-in-time inventory of provider programs within a CoC that provide beds and units dedicated to serve persons who are homeless, categorized by five Program Types: Emergency Shelter; Transitional Housing; Rapid Re-housing; Safe Haven; and Permanent Supportive Housing.


This year's count will be held on January 28, 2019.  It will begin at 3:00 pm and end at 3:00 pm on 1/29/19.  The street count will be conducted from 7-10 pm on 1/28/19.  


A separate homeless youth count will be conducted from 1/28/19-2-1/19.  This youth survey will be for young people 16-24 who are NOT living with their parents.  This survey can be found at  or young people can text the word "survey" to 779-208-0710 and it will be sent to them.  


If you have any questions, you can email Angie Walker at














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Homeless Memorial will be held on 12/20/18 at 10:00


For nearly three decades, advocates for people experiencing homelessness nationwide have taken one day out of the year to remember those who have passed due to the trauma of homelessness. Symbolically commemorated on December 21st—the winter solstice and longest night of the year—National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day serves as a reminder of the daily violence experienced by those who are without permanent housing.


We will be hosting a memorial on Thursday, 12/20 at 10:00. The even will be held at Carpenter's Place 1149 Railroad Ave, Rockford, IL.



11/13/18--Reminder Hunger & Homelessness Week Luncheon was a success!!! Both Rockford Police and Rockford Fire recieved awards for their work with Coalition members and our homeless clients.   


10/22/18--City of Rockford releases RFP for 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG).  


Any agencies interested in requesting funding through this program should go to the City of Rockford website:


Proposals will be due by 11:00 a.m., Friday, November 09, 2018.  11/9--Grant has been closed.


Proposals must be submitted to:   

City of Rockford Central Services Manager

425 East State Street

4th Floor Rockford

Illinois 61104



Application is available for community review.  Click here to review the application.  The full application will be submitted before the deadline of 9/18/2018.  

9/4/2018--The projects listed have been ranked in the following order for this year's priority ranking for the 2018 HUD NOFA competition.  No grants have been rejected or reduced. 


Ranking          Project                                                                                              Amount

1.                     Rosecrance 1998 Permanent Supportive Housing                   $620,233

2.                     Rosecrance  2007 Permanent Supportive Housing                  $29,535

3.                     Rosecrance  2011 Permanent Supportive Housing                  $29,595

4.                     Rosecrance  2013 Permanent Supportive Housing                  $29,554

5.                     Carpenter’s Place Permanent Supportive Housing 1                $108,705

6.                     Carpenter’s Place Permanent Supportive Housing 2                $31,972

7.                     Shelter Care Ministries PH Disability                                           $50,608

8.                     Shelter Care Ministries PH Chronic                                             $33,690

9.                     Shelter Care Ministries PH Veterans                                            $60,312

10.                   Rosecrance  2003 Permanent Supportive Housing                  $132,907

11.                   Shelter Care Ministries Rapid Rehousing 1                                $41,752

12.                   Shelter Care Ministries Rapid Rehousing 2                                $56,786

13.                   HMIS                                                                                                  $83,670

14.                   Youth Services Network Rapid Rehousing                                 $91,080

15.                   Youth Services Network MELD TH                                               $52,812

16.                   Shelter Care Ministries Rapid Rehousing 3                                $50,000

17.                   Rkfd Human Services Rapid Rehousing                                     $72,859


Not Ranked    Project                                                                                             Amount

1.                     Remedies Domestic ViolenceTH/RRH Project                           $140,514

2.                     Rkfd Human Services Domestic Violence CES                           $44,000

3.                     Rkfd Human Services Planning Grant                                         $61,429


RRHC held a community wide ending homelessness event on 8/23/18

Thank you for your attendance and participation in this event!!




2018 CoC NOFA Application Schedule


The City of Rockford Human Services Department (A Community Action Agency), in conjunction with the Rock River Homeless Coalition, will be accepting applications for new and renewal applications for the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care (CoC) competitive grant program for Winnebago and Boone Counties. The CoC Program is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness by providing funds to nonprofit providers to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth. 


On 6/20/18, HUD released 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) information for these grant funds. You can find it at:


Our local CoC application schedule will be as follows:


Friday, July 20, 2018

Request for Proposals/new project applications for agencies interested in applying for new project funding will be:

Renewal Project letter of intent requirements will also be posted.


August 8, 2018            2:00 pm-3:00 pm

August 9, 2018            8:30 am-9:30 am

Public Hearings/Application Guidance at 612 N. Church St.


August 17, 2018 by NOON

Applications for new projects are due to 612 N. Church St AND all renewal grants must be complete and entered into E-Snaps.  


September 4, 2018

Coalition will rank project applications


September 7, 2018

Selected projects will be posted at the above websites and agencies notified


September 18, 2018 – 7:00pm

Full application is due to HUD



612 N. Church Street

Rockford, IL 61103

Tel: (844) 710-6919 Ext 5

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