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8/19/2024 HUD Releases FY2024 Notice of Funding Opportunities

Rockford, IL - The City of Rockford Health & Human Services Department (A Community Action Agency), in conjunction with the Northern Illinois Homeless Coalition (IL-501 CoC), will be accepting new and renewal applications for the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development  Continuum of Care (CoC) competitive grant program for Dekalb, Winnebago and Boone Counties. The CoC Program is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness by providing funds to nonprofit provider agencies to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth. 

Funding is available to qualified provider entities for the purpose of executing CoC eligible activities that confront homelessness in the service area. The total amount of funding to be allocated this round  for renewals is $2,419,734.  Additional funding will be available for new Bonus Projects and Domestic Violence Bonus projects but HUD has not released the amounts available yet but will be announced when available.  


This amount is subject to a reduction, freeze, elimination or increase based on funding decisions by HUD.   


HUD released the 2024 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) information for these grant funds which is available at:



New applicants are encouraged to apply, please review the NOFO to determine eligibility and program requirements. HUD is prioritizing a special Domestic Violence bonus project for competitive CoC’s.  The CoC will prioritize Domestic Violence projects that offer permanent housing placements.


The City’s Health & Human Services Department will be publishing the  project applications on their website and the Northern Illinois Homeless Coalition will also post it at and on Facebook by August 19,  2024.    


All applications are due back by September 13, 2024 at 5:00 pm to meet HUD guidelines.  Please send them electronically to or you can drop them off in person at 612 N. Church Street in Rockford, IL. Anything received after that date/time will not be accepted. 


Additionally, all applicants will also have to complete an electronic application in E-Snaps.  Technical Assistance or training will be provided to anyone that needs it.  E-Snap training for new applicants will be held 9/17/24 at 9:00 or 9/19/24 at 4:00 Please reach out to if you plan to attend so she can provide the Zoom link.



All project applications will be ranked and scored by the Ranking Committee and agencies will be notified by email if their application was accepted/rejected, ranked, or reduced.  The final ranking lists for all projects will be posted online by 10/11/2024. 


The final Collaborative Application and all Project applications will be posted online for public comment between 10/28-10/29/2024.  We especially would like to invite those individuals with lived experience of homelessness to provide feedback on any project or part of this process.  They can do this via the website or Facebook or schedule a time to do it in person.    The final consolidated grant application is due to HUD on October 30, 2024 at 7:00 pm.




Funding Amounts for FY2024 (updated 8/26/24)

Annual Renewal Amount                     $2,419,734
Tier 1 funding                                       $2,177,761
CoC Bonus Funding Available            $455,244
Domestic Violence Bonus                    $569,450
CoC Planning Grant                             $189,685


Paper application out                                                       8/19/2024

Paper application due                                                      9/13/2024

APR’s will be pulled for scoring                                        9/13/2024

E-Snaps training (must RSVP for appt)                            9/17/24 OR 9/19/24

Ranking tool provided to Committee                             9/30/2024

Ranking & Scoring                                                            9/30-10/4/24

Post ranking & notify all applicants                                 10/11/2024 

All E-Snaps application completed                                 10/25/2024

**(All approvals, rejections, reductions) must be 15 days prior to application due date.

Send email to all CoC members/stakeholders              10/28/2024

Post completed applications on website                       10/28/2024

CoC approval to submit app                                           10/28/2024

Application Due                                                                10/30/2024  7:00 pm



Check back for updates!


8/20/2024 Project Application now Available for NEW & RENEWAL projects

To apply for these available funds, you must first complete a paper application followed by an electronic application in the E-Snaps system.  If you are new and not familiar with the system, you can email to discuss the system and getting access.

Paper applications are due back by 5:00 pm on Friday September 13, 2024.  You can email them to or drop them off in person at 612 N. Church Street in Rockford, IL.  Any applications received after 5:00 pm 9/13/2024 will not be accepted. 

We encourage any new applicant to apply.  Please let us know if there is a need for a reasonable accommodation.  A request can be made to by email here.   

New project applications can be found by clicking here.

Renewal project applications can be found by
clicking here

If you are submitting a renewal and need to see the information from the Grant Inventory Worksheet, you can find that here 


Ranking & Scoring Committee

8/21/2024--The Ranking & Scoring committee is made up of non-HUD funded agencies who are NIHC members.  They will meet during the week of 9/30/24 at Rockford Township to complete the scoring of this year's applications. 

A ranking tool will be used that was created by ICA (our local HMIS provider) to score the renewal projects.  Scoring will look at past performance, system performance measures and some local criteria.  New applications will be scored also using a similar scoring metrix, but one that does not look at past performance. Each application will recieve a score out of 100 possible points. 

To see the scoring tools used: 

Click here for the renewal tool.  
Click her for the new application tool. 

FY2024 NIHC Ranking & Selection Policies 

10/14/2024 Final Ranking for FY2024 CoC NOFO project applications
Ranking and Scoring committee has completed the scoring process and all applicants have been notified in writing of their individual scores.  You can see the full NIHC ranking/scoring by clicking here.  

10/28/2024---NOTICE: The FY2024 Consolidated Application & Priority Ranking is now Posted for public review
To view the final version of the FY2024 consolidated application for IL-501 (Northern Illinois Homeless Coalition), click here. To review the Priority Listing, click here.    If you would like to submit a comment or question, you may click here to send an email.  

This will be posted for a 24 hour period.  The final document will be submitted to HUD on Wednesday morning, October 30th.

This consolidated application was approved by the NIHC Board on 10/29/2024 at 9:00 am. 

For use in calculating rental budgets



2024 Fair Market Rents

Community     Efficiency    One Bedroom   Two Bedroom   Three Bedroom   Four Bedroom

DeKalb                   $899               $1,014                $1,327                   $1,870                   $2,252

Rkfd/B/W               $699               $785                   $1,031                   $1,380                   $1423


HUD NOFA Archives: Click below to see past year's submitted consolidated applications.
2023 NOFO
2022 NOFO
2021 NOFO
2020 NOFA

2019 NOFA
2018 NOFA
2017 NOFA
2016 NOFA
2015 NOFA

612 N. Church Street

Rockford, IL 61103

Tel: (844) 710-6919 Ext 5

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